Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Dr. Edmar Bernardes DaSilva (Masters in Geography and Doctor of Geography Education)
When the word geography is mentioned, most of the people who are not geographers or professionals but who are connected with geography relate the discipline directly to maps and places. Most of the ordinary people do not know that geography is more than looking at maps and finding locations. Most of them don’t know that geography is composed of different fields e.g. Physical Geography and sub-fields e.g. Urban Geography is a sub-field of Human Geography.
When the word geography is mentioned, most of the people who are not geographers or professionals but who are connected with geography relate the discipline directly to maps and places. Most of the ordinary people do not know that geography is more than looking at maps and finding locations. Most of them don’t know that geography is composed of different fields e.g. Physical Geography and sub-fields e.g. Urban Geography is a sub-field of Human Geography.
Urban geography the subject of this short article is the study of the geography of cities (or you can say the study of urbanized regions of the globe). Even Urban Geography is a sub-field of Human Geography and has its own complexity.
Partial View of Luz Brazil - Small Town in Southern Brazil
(Foto by Lucas Oliveira Santos)
Urban Geography studies the areas, which have a large concentration of buildings and a complex infrastructure. They are areas where the major economic activities are connected to the secondary and tertiary sectors. Because of all above they would have a large population concentration. Urban geography has some connections with anthropology and sociology, what means that it can have common characteristics with those fields. Urban geographers in general look to study and understand how factors are connected spatially, how they function and the relationship among them. Urban geographers also seek to understand the settlements’ development (e.g. the expansion of an urban area and improvements made). Urban geographers also try to study the human environmental impact of the changes mentioned above.
Savannah - The USA
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