Monday, July 25, 2011


Dr. Edmar Bernardes DaSilva (Masters in Geography and Doctor of Geography Education)
Water fall in Brazil

Biogeography is the science, which aims to study and comprehend the geographic distribution of diverse biomes of the earth. So, biogeography studies the distribution of organisms from the ancient earth to the present-day earth, and analyzes the connected prototypes of variations of living things. Biogeographers study where all species are located, why they are there, and where the greatest concentrations of species are. The study of biogeography is the answer of questions important for the Earth’s biogeographical knowledge and preservation. Answering questions like: Do we feed ourselves with these species? Do they give us shelter? Do they produce medications that help cure diseases? Do they produce oxygen, provide fuel and filter the water we drink? The climate change that is producing global warming makes it even more important to understand the enormous diversity of the Earth’s fauna and flora in order to understand the impact of environmental changes on terrestrial biogeography.

Biogeography tries to examine a variety of concepts of species’ spatial distribution and profusion (why they are there and what they do to the environment).
Canadian Fauna

A major concept studied in biogeography in these days is the ‘centers of endemism’. This kind of study gives us answers about why are species limited to a geography niche, and where this geographical niche is located. Biogeographers are mapping those biogeographical regions both on global and regional scales. Finally, endemism happens when species or other taxonomic groups are limited to a specific biogeographical region due to aspects like separation or response to soil or climate circumstances.

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